Teaching Series
We have compiled lessons, seminars and talks from Messianic leaders, local elders and authors to share with fellow believers to develop our understanding of the Biblical Truth.
For now, we start with Bro. Louwell's recorded messages delivered at Beth Shechinah, during his time as Elder in that Congregation. Other audio materials will be added as they become available.
Links for other Interesting subjects (Note: Opinions in these lessons are not necessarily the common accepted understanding and practice of our Congregation, it is entirely the teacher's (Bro Marten) suggested interpretation, we leave that option for you to consider)
Yeshua, I Thirst - Explained
Acts 15 Explained (Part 1)
Acts 15 Explained (Part 2)
Life and Death (Part 1)
Life and Death (Part 2)
Life and Death (Part 3)
Parables Explained
Day of the Lord- Explained
Hidden Treasures - Part 1 - The Tabernacle
Hidden Treasures - Part 2 - The Exodus
Hidden Treasures - Part 3 - Messiah and the Temple
Hidden Treasures - Part 4 - The Temple
Hidden Treasures - Part 5 - Daniel 9
Prophecy - Part 1 - Foundation
Prophecy - Part 2 - Signs and Wonders
Prophecy - Part 3 - The Beast
Prophecy - Part 4 - Revelation
Israel - History and Current Events
Prophecy - Israel's Future - Part 1
Prophecy - Israel's Future - Part 2
Prophecy - Israel's Future - Part 3
Prophecy - Israel's Future - Part 4
For more recorded videos and teachings visit Calgary L'chaim Bible Fellowship on YouTube